ROSH 10.10
Oct 2, 2010

Registration / Регистрация

Russian Open-Source Hardware

The goal of the conference is twofold. First, we want to widely promote an idea of Open Hardware and make it as respected as F/OSS. Second, we want to foster a community of Russian Open Hardware enthusiasts to share experience, ideas and coordinate joint actions. We also want to facilitate integration of Russian Open Hardware developers into international community, kind of "break the wall".

Main part of the conference is in Russian, which includes a block of short talks about Open Hardware in general (15 min each) and a block of projects presentations (3-5 min each). We also plan to have a block of talks in English with speakers, participating over Skype (15 min each).

Online video broadcasting is planned and all talks will be recorded for later offline access.

More details to follow...


This is a (tentative) list of talks in a general session:

1. What is Open Hardware?
2. History and main trends in Open Hardware.
3. Making money with Open Hardware.
4. How to start making Open Hardware?


Following projects will be presented:

1. ClockTamer - a flexible reference clock generator
2. gpfix - a geo tracking/monitoring system
3. AFEB - an open single board ARM-based computer
4. Wireless OSEB - a ZigBee development board
5. Intellectual CAD for open hardware
6. OpenSPARC - an open processor design
7. Mesh Potato - a low-cost Wi-Fi based telephony
8. Arduino - a single-board microcontroller
9. Marsohod - an FPGA-based single-board controller


1. Russian description and registration / Русское описание мини-конференции и регистрация.
2. Russian OSH mailing list / Список рассылки про Open Hardware.

Conference organizers and sponsors



Contact us

Use this form if you want to ask a question or make a suggestion. Note, this is not for conference registration! To register, use this form. Please, provide correct e-mail, or we will not be able to respond to you.